I was born in Newport, Rhode Island in 1980 and the first thing I ever saw was the ocean. From there, it was a long journey to become an artist. I was a talented musician and mathematician throughout school, culminating in a world championship trumpet performance and an engineering degree. I learned the art of numbers, rhythm and tone. From there, I joined a design team that built the finest racing yachts of the world, and learned the art of structure and form in wind and on water. After, I pursued a short-lived career on Wall street where I learned the art – and folly – of money.


Having attained a suitable renaissance education, I turned my attention toward art. Why am I here on this Earth at this time? What will be my unique contribution to this world? These are fundamental questions I ask myself every day. I’ve travelled the world and hobnobbed with the haute humains. I’ve met a beautiful woman and together we raise our darling son. I find myself now on the precipice of civilization, an outsider looking in from a remote island simultaneously at the edge and center of the world.


The air is fresh out here and the ocean and sky are endless. Every new morning brings a clear horizon, summoning creation. I arrive to animate my studio with an open mind every day, devoid of the drudgery of dependence on the past and eager to discover what is new in this moment. I have listened intently to the ultimate Om and have gleefully allowed it to guide my head and my hands in the creation of artifacts. My collection of Mandali aims to transform the universe from one of suffering into one of joy through individual actualization. I see humanity united as the omni-inter-constellated stars of the universe, and I do my part to push our collective reality toward this potentiality.


I have been focused of late on innovating a new field of architecture, where lightweight and durable space-making forms spring up from the Earth like flowers in a meadow, in homage to the fact that we must all do more with less, that we must all live lightly here now, that the excesses of yesterday have no place in an abundant tomorrow. I aim to inform the collective of new possibilities in this life, to encourage the individual toward self-empowerment independent of culture, and to shelter the light of the world from the worst of its storms. I am Jesse Sky, crystallizing peace into form.


These days, I can be found in my Maui studio, working away happily. My work is a blessing and a gift to me and there is little in this world that could tear me away. I am oft-tempted by a windy day, when I harness the tropical wind to skip over the surf and launch from its crests, and I dream of the day when my architectural work blooms in full force, when I will soar within Herculean eagles, delivering beautiful and essential shelters to the displaced peoples of the world…


Jesse has exhibited his work in multiple galleries across the US including Hawaii, and part of multiples private collections.


The 5 key questions

Get to know our artists a little bit better through these five questions.


Where do you feel at home and happy?

Truly, I feel at home on Maui: swimming in her waters, sunning on her beaches, enjoying her with my family and making art in my studio, perched on the leeward slope of an ancient volcano. Happiness comes with a clear horizon, when there are no troubles or thoughts of the future. A timeless moment where my mind is free to roam, my heart is free to love, and my hands are free to create.


When did you know you would become an Artist?

In 2011 I was roaming around Austin, Texas on a mushroom trip with friends. I separated myself from the group, filled with existential dread, feeling unfulfilled in my life, wondering what my purpose was on this Earth. Slowing my breath, these feelings gave way to the hope of possibility. I realized that there was nothing to dread, that I was young and talented, and that my experience with past, dead-end careers would serve me in my future. Perceiving myriad paths on multiple planes before me, I was faced with a moment of truth and a moment of choice. I am an artist, I told myself, and from then on that's what I've been.


What inspires you and your work?

I am inspired by the angels. They whisper into my ear when I am listening most intently to the silence. Sometimes, when the whispers excite my heart, head, and hands, I leap into action and create my best work. I believe this world will be transformed into paradise when we are all individually actualized. When we all discover what is that special, unique, and perhaps strange gift we have to give to the world, and when we all watch in awe how they all fit together perfectly. My Mandali are self-actualization technology meant to set a fire in the heart of the observer to chase their own dreams, wherever they may lead, for the benefit of their highest potential, and thus for the benefit of us all.


If you were not an Artist, what would you be?

Miserable probably. An Artist does not only create wall art and sculptures for display in white-walled galleries. An Artist cultivates a superior way of creating and acting in the world. There are Artists of all kinds: Artists of paint and marble, Artists of architecture, Artists of love, et al. The term Artist is reserved for the highest expression of intention, skill, and will in worldly action. This is why I capitalize it. If I were not acting in this way, if I was not integrating everything I am and everything I have into my expression, then what would I be? A little less than human, I think. For me, this would lead to misery.


Who are your favourite painters?

Picasso. For his proliferation and his courage to create from innocence, of course. But mostly I admire him for his lifestyle; His castle and his femme de vie. Before him, Da Vinci. He was a man for whom time, epoch and era were irrelevant. His work demonstrates the power of a mind freed from zeitgeist.

Artist Collections

All pieces of Jesse Sky's Artwork

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Jesse Sky